Blog: 2017

Taking Satisfaction Seriously

Photo: Julie Jeliazovski So far this year, EkoLakay has carried out two comprehensive satisfaction surveys in order to gather quantitative and qualitative feedback on the household toilet service. We were pleased to see that customers overwhelmingly reported improved safety, health, and....

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World Bank Video: A Peek into SOIL's Inclusive Sanitation Solution

Photo: Monica Wise Across the world nearly one billion people reside in urban settlements with little or no access to sanitation, and with the rapid global urbanization that's currently underway, it's expected that 60% of the world will be urban dwelling by 2020. SOIL and fellow Container-Based....

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USAID: When Women Do Better, Countries Do Better

SOIL's co-founder and Executive Director Sasha Kramer had the opportunity to join in on a USAID Q&A series on women entrepreneurs who are taking on some of the word's most pressing problems. In the interview, Sasha shared the story of SOIL's development, her personal journey as an entrepreneur, and....

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Is There Demand for a Better Toilet?

Photo: Vic Hinterlang We know the global sanitation system is broken . Around the world nearly 2.5 billion people lack access to a toilet of any kind and even more than that lack access to a toilet that ensures safe waste treatment. Over the past 4 years SOIL has made in-home toilets accessible to....

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Lessons on Restoring Depleted Soil from Haiti

Photo: Vic Hinterlang Too often, the story of Haiti begins and ends with the problems facing the country. However, there are stories, largely untold, about the work being done to address Haiti’s interconnected issues and create lasting change. SOIL's Executive Director Sasha Kramer shared one of....

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SOIL youngest compost customer

How SOIL’s Toilets are Tackling the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Photo: Bernard Cherelus At SOIL we believe that having access to a toilet is a basic human right. Having access to a toilet provides a feeling of dignity. Household toilets increase safety for women and girls and they are critical for preventing waterborne diseases. Because of lack of access to....

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SOIL's Dr. Sasha Kramer Wins the Sarphati Sanitation Award for Lifetime Achievement

SOIL's beloved co-founder and fearless leader, Dr. Sasha Kramer, was recently awarded the Sarphati Sanitation Award for Lifetime Achievement in recognition of her work to develop sustainable sanitation solutions. Congratulations to Sasha, and thank you for your years of service! The award is named....

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Safety First! Increasing Resilience in SOIL's Sanitation Service

Photo credit: Julie Jeliazovski Read the blog below about SOIL's Sanitation Safety Planning project in November 2017. To read the report which was published on the WHO website in 2019, click here. To explore other research by and about SOIL, visit SOIL's publications page. First and foremost, SOIL’s....

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USAID's Global Waters: Innovation for the World's Most Intractable Problems

SOIL was honored to join bright minds from around the globe to discuss solutions to some of the world's most intractable problems during last month's Global Innovation Week in Washington D.C. The Innovation Marketplace, hosted by USAID's Global Development Lab, welcomed SOIL and other global....

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In Loving Memory of Jhony Michel, SOIL Sanitation Hero

Photo: Claire Pask Jhony Michel, husband to Islande "Kokolo" Dieudonné and father of five, was a dedicated member of the SOIL team since July 2015, and a collaborator and friend for much longer. After work on September 22nd, he strapped on his helmet, got on his motorcycle, and went to pick up his....

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